Reclaim-App Podcast

Ep. 4 - Grief Welcomed - Joy in the Darkness

Cari Fydirchuk & Liz Kahle Season 1 Episode 4

During the season of Advent, joy is an important part of our waiting and anticipation for Jesus’ coming – to restore – to heal – to save.

However, if we’re honest, joy may not be as easy to cultivate or as comfortable as we’d like it to be – or think it should be. Joy can often feel fleeting and imaginary. Even in the midst of some of our most joyous moments – we can find ourselves cautiously waiting for the other shoe to drop.

It’s this strange tension that we’re going to talk about today as we look at the idea of joy in darkness, and see if we can point to the ways we may be able to anchor our joy in something real, tangible, and long lasting!


Inside Out - Pixar Films (movie)

Brene Brown - Atlas of the Heart - Foreboding Joy

Henry Nouwen (1932-1996)

John 1:14, NIV

Nehemiah 1:8, NIV

Psalm 62:11, TPT