Reclaim-App Podcast
Creating and reclaiming calm spaces of connection with God, neighbours and ourselves.
Reclaim-App Podcast
Ep. 11 - Soul Feast - The Road to Easter
Hello Friends and welcome to our final episode in our Lenten Series, Soul Feast.
We have a great conversation in store as we travel on the road to Easter this weekend; through Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.
Although this tends to be a time of year primarily marked by celebration, the first Easter wasn’t very celebratory. Rather it was quite dark and deeply painful.
Christ is Risen! We say this triumphantly, yet, as we look around at our world and the messiness of our own lives, I’m not sure how triumphant we feel, a lot of the time?
Can our souls still cling to, feel and know the hope these days are meant to point to?
Please join us!
Henri Nouwen, Life of the Beloved
Aundi Kolber, Leaning into Hope
Brian Zahnd - Author and Pastor - Beauty Will Save the World
Philip Yancy - Prayer
Matthew 26, 27, NIV
Luke 24:13-35, The Road to Emmaus (TPT)
Romans 5:5, NIV
Psalm 22:1, NIV
John 6:66-69, NIV
John 11:25,26, NIV
Colossians 3:12, 1:27, NIV
Revelations 22:20-21, Come, Lord Jesus, NIV