Reclaim-App Podcast

Ep. 18 - The Invitation to More

Cari Fydirchuk & Liz Kahle

I trust God, but I don't always trust God. Yikes, that feels vulnerable to say out loud! 

So glad you're here for a great conversation about how we are invited to a life of More (i.e., peace, love, connection) and yet, so often we find ourselves living from a place of lack (i.e., resources, time, energy). 

Grace and mercy abound as we talk about the hard stuff in our newest episode. Blessings Friends!

Kate Bowler (Blog, 2019, When Lent Prepares Us for What is Lost)
Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie (Good Enough - 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection) 
Ruth Haley-Barton (Lenten Questions) 
Psalm 23:1
Psalm 139:13